I haven't heard the results of this one yet:
Thunder Bay-Superior North is holding candidate nomination meetings Aug 11 in Longlac and Schreiber and Aug 12 in Thunder Bay. We have three candidates vying for the position--Don McArthur, Candidate-of-Record (http://www.donmcarthur.ca/), Joe Virdiramo, City Councillor who worked with Joe Comuzzi for years (http://www.joevirdiramo.ca/) and Yves Fricot, a lawyer with Buchanan Forest Products for the past 25 years.
The other two northwestern Ontario riding candidates were acclaimed--Roger Valley for Kenora and Ken Boshcoff for Thunder Bay-Rainy River.
I'm increasingly curious about how a candidate becomes "acclaimed". This is what Garth Turner was pushing for in his own case, even though several others had expressed an interest in the nomination as far back as April.
Can a riding board simply decide to shut down the process and say, "This person is the only candidate" without actually allowing others to put their names forward?
The simple answer is "yes". If you own your board, your chances of them not finding another candidate are pretty damn good.
So... would you not consider that at least as undemocratic as having a candidate appointed? Or does the fact that it's the board choosing the candidate and not the party leader make it better?
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