I know at least two other potential candidates that would have preferred a democratic nomination. But hey, we need candidates in place damn it, and the party knows best who is suited for certain ridings. And it's obvious that there are simply no capable women that live in Halton that can mount a fight against the Minister of Natural Disasters, Lisa Raitt.
Besides, when fighting a Nova Scotian, best to fight back with a fellow Nova Scotian. Especially one that is not afraid to take on the big boys, as she did in 2003.
Jen has more on the feelings in Halton.
Raitt was also considered a usurper when she was parachuted in.
I guess what's good for the goose is good for the.....
Let`s be fair, James. This practice was also very common during Dion's tenure. It`s not like this is a new practice that just got started.
You're right Scott. Who gives a shit about grassroots at the riding level having a say in their candidates anyway?
I'm just saying if you're posting this to use this to pick on Ignatieff or the current crop of Liberal execs, its only fair to point out this practice has started long before this.
I'm not saying I like the practice - I'd prefer to have open primaries all the time, like in the US, where the party establishment can support and fund an establishment favoured candidate, but cant close down the race - I'm just saying its a trend that started long before now.
Note previous posts:
Then of course there's this:
But James, it worked so well when we prevented Orchard from running in that by-election - no?
Outremont also woked out well.
The Liberal 308 Mission statement speaks for itself. I'm not saying anything that goes against that, nor am I saying I'm in favour of appointed candidates - I'm assuredly not.
I'm just making the point this has been going on for a while and is not unique to this batch of Liberal Party leaders. If someone has suggestions what the Liberal membership can do to stop the Liberal executive from engaging in this practice, I'm all ears. Heck.. I'll post the suggestion at the Liberal 308 site and Facebook group.
Weird - these two look like sisters! Good thing they don't share the same surname, e.g. Duncan and Duncan.
One high Liberal muckity-muck I spoke to actually used Pearson's election in Algoma as an example of why parachuting isn't nearly as bad as it seems and could work out beautifully. Seriously - Pearson?! Groan.
Anyway, I'm looking for suggestions as well - not just for ending the practise of appointing candidates but for reforming the entire nomination process. Kvetching is fine, but it isn't going to solve the problem.
Saying it's not unique to a particular Liberal leader does not insulate the party from criticism, Scott.
And in this case, it's especially problematic, because the leader was chosen by the caucus. That he can turn around and choose who can belong to that caucus smacks of an Iranian Supreme Leader, not any kind of a "liberal".
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