I always knew Jack was full of it. Sure as heck he won't risk his seats to vote the government down next Friday. Say goodbye to your leadership and your base Jack. As for you Mr. Harper? Might wanna take those coalition ads off the air.
silly liberal. parliament hasn't even resumed yet and you've already got the tories and the dippers in bed together.
i think that's a case of premature coalition.
i think that our Prime Minister is a little bit more clever than that, don't you?
i very much doubt that that will be a trap that he will fall into.
The next will be interesting though because, as the government, (you remember that the Tories are the government, don't you? I would have thought that the last two elections would have taught the liberals that they have no divine right to rule but i guess not) the Tories still control the nation's political agenda. The government still has more than a few cards to play.
Nice hyperbole James. In order to be a coalition the NDP would have to get cabinet positions. Exactly which Dippers have which portfolios in cabinet? There's a difference between cooperation and a coalition. Please refresh my memory as to which other parties, other than the Liberals, the NDP have entered into a coalition agreement.
I think Harper will pull the plug on Parliament and go to the GG to ask for an election. He'll claim that the NDP's "demands" are too onerous.
silly liberal. parliament hasn't even resumed yet and you've already got the tories and the dippers in bed together.
i think that's a case of premature coalition.
i think that our Prime Minister is a little bit more clever than that, don't you?
i very much doubt that that will be a trap that he will fall into.
The next will be interesting though because, as the government,
(you remember that the Tories are the government, don't you? I would have thought that the last two elections would have taught the liberals that they have no divine right to rule but i guess not) the Tories still control the nation's political agenda. The government still has more than a few cards to play.
The only ones acting like adults is the NDP and the BQ...
Why should the NDP acquiesce to this folly?
Iggy put the Gov on probation but forgot that he needed others... if anything he's been full of hot air...
Nice hyperbole James. In order to be a coalition the NDP would have to get cabinet positions. Exactly which Dippers have which portfolios in cabinet? There's a difference between cooperation and a coalition. Please refresh my memory as to which other parties, other than the Liberals, the NDP have entered into a coalition agreement.
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