Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Prime Minister Hitchcock? Is That You?

Pictures are priceless, no?


penlan said...

The photo reminds me of ones I saw of Obama during the election campaign. Don't tell me Harper is trying to equate himself with Obama. Horrors! ;)

Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...

..puts a big lump in my throat.

Question: Harper getting smacked around for his change of position re deficit (rightly so)

Obama.. getting a free pass for suddenly and immediately retracting or "delaying" many of is promises the day after as well..

Politicians.. it's all the same old, same old. The more I think about it, the more I respect Dion, as much as I couldn't agree with him..

RuralSandi said...

Separated at birth? Doesn't it also look like Mike Harris?

James Curran said...

The last days of the campaign he looked like Harris' twin. His hair is suddenly not white anymore either.

RuralSandi said...

Rumours fly around - some are wondering if Harper wears a toupe - I don't know, but sure looks like one.

Beijing York said...

I think his nose is getting longer and pointier. Remind you of anyone?