Sunday, May 4, 2008

More Conservative STAND UP Comedy

Here are a couple more entry discrepancies from The Conservative Election Manual for 2006. The manual's title? Stand Up...There's the comedy!

On POLLING the Conservatives said this under the Accountability section

I guess technically they aren't hypocritical then if they've screwed taxpayers on election rebates claimed for polling by transfers from 50 of their candidates.

On ACCESS TO INFORMATION the Conservatives said this under the Accountability section

I guess technically the Conservatives getting rid of CAIRS doesn't fall under this category either. But really, I think it kinda does, don't you.

1 comment:

Ted Betts said...

You are doing awesome with these posts. This is the kind of work bloggers should be doing lots of.

Taking the Conservatives' own promises and hoisting them on their own petards.

It's like shooting fish in a bucket.