Suite! I mean sweet.
Jason Cherniak and the other fine folks at Liblogs hosted a groovy hospitality suite last night that, much to the hotel's dismay, lasted until the wee hours. It was great to meet some of my fellow bloggers....and to drink Jason's beer.
Well done Liblogs!
James Morton, Candidate for Vice Chair Council of Presidents and fellow blogger, also graced us with a hospitality suite where he had tooooo much food. Thanks James for your hospitality!
Today's festivities include a bound-to-be vocal and sometimes testy Council of Presidents meeting, Policy 101 at 6:00 by Maryanne Kampouris, soon to be victor of the VP Policy race. And, of course, the day will finish with the best party of the entire convention hosted by yours truly at THE UBER LOUNGE @ Steamworks Brewing Co.
See you all there!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Alf Apps Didn't Get the Memo
The reason I think my blog has been so successful in the past is because I wasn't afraid to talk about injustices within my own Liberal Party. Back in the beginning there were other bloggers that weren't afraid either. Hell I remember a guy named Warren Kinsella used to cheer me on and even threw me onto his likables on his own sight. But back then we had a mutual dislike for a group of spoileds referred to as the "Martinites".
Have times changed? You bet they have. Warren is now entrenched in winning an election for the next Prime Minister of Canada, Michael Ignatieff. The Martinites are gone. The Dionistas vanquished. The resurrection of the grassroots is on it's way. Hell, we even have a Commission about Change. And, a Commission about Renewal. One Member One Vote is on its way to becoming reality.
But is "change" really occurring my friends? Or is it more of the same old, same old. "We'll tell you what grassroots means. Don't tell us" so to speak. I sit here in Vancouver excited about the prospects of new beginnings. Excited that maybe Michael will remember that promise he made to us 14 mere mortals at that little Indian restaurant in Hamilton in February of 2006 and be a force behind repairing the broken internal machinations of the Liberal Party of Canada.
But, for a convention termed a convention about nothing we get more bad news today. I hinted that this was going to be problem before I left for Vancouver. I even suggested to those close to the incoming president that it would be a destructive and divisive decision by the president-acclaimed. Apparently to no avail.
No detraction of the endorsement was made. Instead, the president-acclaimed complicated the matter more by suggesting he will campaign side by side for his VP - Francophone person of choice. I don't recall Doug Ferguson, Senator Poulin or Michael Eizenga weighing in publicly for an internal party election, but, I could be wrong.
Anyway, at a time when we are asking Liberals past, present and future to join us in our new-found RENEWAL, the senior officers and leaders in the OLO ought to perhaps stay clear of these types of old-style antics that many of us have been opposing for years and years.
Talking about internal renewal and acting as though it were true are two different things my friends. But, what do I know?
Without further ado, I give you the press release.
For immediate release
Have times changed? You bet they have. Warren is now entrenched in winning an election for the next Prime Minister of Canada, Michael Ignatieff. The Martinites are gone. The Dionistas vanquished. The resurrection of the grassroots is on it's way. Hell, we even have a Commission about Change. And, a Commission about Renewal. One Member One Vote is on its way to becoming reality.
But is "change" really occurring my friends? Or is it more of the same old, same old. "We'll tell you what grassroots means. Don't tell us" so to speak. I sit here in Vancouver excited about the prospects of new beginnings. Excited that maybe Michael will remember that promise he made to us 14 mere mortals at that little Indian restaurant in Hamilton in February of 2006 and be a force behind repairing the broken internal machinations of the Liberal Party of Canada.
But, for a convention termed a convention about nothing we get more bad news today. I hinted that this was going to be problem before I left for Vancouver. I even suggested to those close to the incoming president that it would be a destructive and divisive decision by the president-acclaimed. Apparently to no avail.
No detraction of the endorsement was made. Instead, the president-acclaimed complicated the matter more by suggesting he will campaign side by side for his VP - Francophone person of choice. I don't recall Doug Ferguson, Senator Poulin or Michael Eizenga weighing in publicly for an internal party election, but, I could be wrong.
Anyway, at a time when we are asking Liberals past, present and future to join us in our new-found RENEWAL, the senior officers and leaders in the OLO ought to perhaps stay clear of these types of old-style antics that many of us have been opposing for years and years.
Talking about internal renewal and acting as though it were true are two different things my friends. But, what do I know?
Without further ado, I give you the press release.
For immediate release
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Fabrice Rivault announces his withdrawal from the race for the Vice-Presidency (French) in the interest of the Liberal Party of Canada
OTTAWA – It is with regret that Fabrice Rivault, candidate for the Vice-Presidency (French) of the Liberal Party of Canada, recently learned that the only candidate for the Presidency of the party, Mr. Alfred Apps, chose to publicly support his opponent and to campaign vigorously at her side during the Biennial Convention to be held in Vancouver later this week (See:
According to Mr. Rivault, “It is distressing that our future President chose to take side publically in this particular democratic competition, while he abstained from doing so in the other races. It is certain that if I had known that I would have to measure myself against the candidate for the Presidency of the Party, it is not for the position of Vice-President I would have run for.” Indeed, after an innovative and grassroots-based campaign, and with an equivalent number of delegate members registered on his Facebook group as Mr. Apps, Mr. Rivault held a significant lead over his competitor, one that could not have been easily overcome over the next few days.
According to the Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada, however, the role of the English and French Vice-Presidents is to assist the President in fulfilling his or her obligations. “The paralysis that would have resulted with Mr. Apps being unable to collaborate with one of his Vice-Presidents is a situation we certainly would prefer to avoid. In this perspective, it is thus my duty to place the greater interests of the Party ahead of my own aspirations, as beneficial as they would have been for the future of our organization,” declared Mr. Rivault.
It is thus with great regret that Fabrice Rivault announced his withdrawal from the race for Vice-President (French) of the Liberal Party of Canada. “I know that the delegates at the Convention will be disappointed that we have deprived them of the excitement of a democratic competition. We are nonetheless at a turning point in our Party’s history where we must underline our unity and not our divisions. As such, I would like to thank the hundreds of delegates who gave me their support and I am hopeful they will understand that this difficult choice I have to make is the best for the future of our Party.” declared Mr. Rivault.
“They can at least take comfort in knowing that we will be keeping an eye on Mr. Apps,” concluded Fabrice Rivault. “If he fails to accomplish what Liberal members expect of him, it should be very clear to him today who will be questioning his Presidency at the next Biennial Convention.”
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Breakfast in Vancouver
Tomorrow morning I'll be arriving in lotusland. I'm looking forward to seeing many of my friends from across the country and will be sad that some of them didn't or couldn't make the trip with us.
There are a couple of items that I have to address before my departure however:
1. Thank you to all of you that sponsored me, in part, to get to the convention. Big or small, your donations were greatly appreciated, and I will try not to disappoint.
2. No small secret that the convention about nothing has now become the convention about the survival of a major political party. One Member One Vote is the single most important change to the interior workings of the Liberal Party in years.
The National Director and, now, the Leader of the Party have emphasized how important this issue is.
I've debated the young whippersnappers at YLC for a couple of weeks now to get them to back down from their amendment to the OMOV constitutional amendment. All to no avail. Apparently they continue to move forward with their motion.
I will just say this to them: 12 doesn't equal 50 plus 1. 10 doesn't equal 25, nor does it equal 33. But then, I don't hold a university degree (as one of them noted) so perhaps there's a new math out there.
3. I'm supporting Fabrice Rivault as the next national VP - Francophone. mostly because I know this man has the energy and drive to implement a solid, plan for this party and, especially, for its Francophone membership.
As an aside, I'm disappointed that the incoming president has weighed in on the issue and I feel he may have wanted to stay neutral in such cases.
4. I am announcing now, today, this minute that I am lending as much support as I can to Maryanne Kampouris for her candidacy for National Policy Chair. Maryanne has been tireless as VP - POLICY for the Ontario wing of the LPC and I see her carrying that passion for policy nationwide. As we speak, Maryanne is traveling across the country to the Convention by train meeting fellow Liberals along the way.
She's grassroots and we need grassroots.
5. The hottest party at the convention will no doubt be this one.
I will return later with my thoughts on the YLC Presidential race.
There are a couple of items that I have to address before my departure however:
1. Thank you to all of you that sponsored me, in part, to get to the convention. Big or small, your donations were greatly appreciated, and I will try not to disappoint.
2. No small secret that the convention about nothing has now become the convention about the survival of a major political party. One Member One Vote is the single most important change to the interior workings of the Liberal Party in years.
The National Director and, now, the Leader of the Party have emphasized how important this issue is.
I've debated the young whippersnappers at YLC for a couple of weeks now to get them to back down from their amendment to the OMOV constitutional amendment. All to no avail. Apparently they continue to move forward with their motion.
I will just say this to them: 12 doesn't equal 50 plus 1. 10 doesn't equal 25, nor does it equal 33. But then, I don't hold a university degree (as one of them noted) so perhaps there's a new math out there.
3. I'm supporting Fabrice Rivault as the next national VP - Francophone. mostly because I know this man has the energy and drive to implement a solid, plan for this party and, especially, for its Francophone membership.
As an aside, I'm disappointed that the incoming president has weighed in on the issue and I feel he may have wanted to stay neutral in such cases.
4. I am announcing now, today, this minute that I am lending as much support as I can to Maryanne Kampouris for her candidacy for National Policy Chair. Maryanne has been tireless as VP - POLICY for the Ontario wing of the LPC and I see her carrying that passion for policy nationwide. As we speak, Maryanne is traveling across the country to the Convention by train meeting fellow Liberals along the way.
She's grassroots and we need grassroots.
5. The hottest party at the convention will no doubt be this one.
I will return later with my thoughts on the YLC Presidential race.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Save Your Ontario Hospitals
AS many of you know, I was nominated at the F-Words lst week for a string of posts about saving the Greater Niagara General Hospital Maternity Ward. Since those days, communitites around the province have woken up to the reality that their local hospitals are all in jeopardy.
A ever-growing group of citizens is taking the plight up to Queen's Park on April 29, 2009. Here are the details:
Stop the Hospital Cuts! Rally at Queen's Park
Because when we (or our loved ones) get sick or have a health emergency, we all count on there being a hospital close by that is able to help us.
Host: The Ontario Health Coalition
Type: Causes - Rally
Network: Global
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm
Location: Queen's Park
Street: University Ave., just north of College St.
City/Town: Toronto, ON
Phone: 4164412502
DescriptionON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th--11:30AM
Thousands of people from cities and towns across Ontario facing major hospital cuts or closures are joining in solidarity to demand that McGuinty protect our local hospitals.
Consistent and intentional underfunding of hospital global budgets by the McGuinty government is forcing cuts to hospital beds and services not seen since the unprecedented Harris cuts of the mid-‘90s. Across the province, mass layoffs are being announced; services are being privatized, cut and/or centralized in hospitals far from patients’ homes; emergency rooms are being closed; and small and rural hospitals are under threat of closure. Unless the government improves funding, more than 70% of Ontario's hospitals will be thrown into deficit this fiscal year and more extreme cuts will follow.
Hospital cuts place an increased burden on remaining hospitals and staff. For Ontario residents, this means longer waits, worse overcrowding, traveling further, higher infection rates, paying out of pocket, and lower levels of care.
This past Saturday, concerned citizens from communities across Ontario showed their anger and frustration over local hospital cuts and closures of entire hospitals by waging protests outside the offices of their local MPPs. This is a critical time in the fight to protect local hospital services, and as these protesters recognize, the future of health care in Ontario really does rest in our hands.
This is the time to make the government aware that you will not stand idly by and let them put your health, and the health of your loved ones, at risk. A strong and visible challenge to the provincial government’s hospital restructuring plans will be the only thing that will change the government’s current direction.
Together, we can stop the cuts and closures!!
On Wednesday, April 29th, we will continue our quest to stop the cuts with a MASS RALLY at Queen’s Park, in Toronto at 11:30am.
The legislature will be in session--this is our chance to make McGuinty listen to the concerns of our communities!
The rally has been called by the Town of Fort Erie, working in alliance with municipalities across Ontario. The Ontario Health Coalition and local Health Coalitions across Ontario are supporting this important endeavour.
We have about 40 buses already booked, and we want to increase that number substantially--
If you can help arrange buses, carpools, and/or can help get a group together, we want to hear from you.
Please contact us at 416-441-2502 or at
St. Catharines:
Buses leave St. Catharines at 9:30am from CAW Local 199 (124 Bunting Rd.),
returning by 3pm.To reserve a seat, contact Sue at 905-932-1646 or Susan at
Buses leave Strathroy at 8am from Food Basics at Kenwick Plaza (Front/Head Streets)
returning by 5pm. To reserve a seat, contact Joyce at 519-245-3633 or Sandra at 519-245-8829.
Buses will leave Wallaceburg at 7am SHARP from the Sobey’s parking lot,
returning by 5pm. To reserve a seat on the bus, contact Shirley at 519-677-4474.
Buses leave Hamilton at 9:45am from Limeridge Mall: corner of Upper Wentworth St (across
from the Legion Hall and near The Bay), returning by 3pm. To reserve a seat, contact Nancy at 905-385-1933.
Buses leave Welland at 9am from Welland Market Square and will be back by 3pm.
To reserve a seat on the bus, call Fiona at 905-788-0756.
Buses leave Sarnia at 7am from the north municipal parking lot at Centennial Park (across from
Stokes By The Bay) To reserve a seat, contact Arlene at 519-542-1895. A $10 reservation fee is required.
Buses leave Petrolia at 7:15am from the parking lot across from the VPP, returning by 5pm.
To reserve a seat on the bus, contact Helen at 519-882-0357. A $10 reservation fee is required.
Buses leave Belleville at 8:30am from the Quinte Mall, behind the Shell Station/Denny’s, returning by 4pm.
To reserve a seat on the bus, contact Michael at 613-968-5550.
Port Colborne:
Buses leave Port Colborne at 8:30am from West Side Arena on Hwy 58, returning by 3pm.
To reserve a seat on the bus, contact Pat at 905-835-8249.
Contact Barb at 613-476-4097 for information about the bus leaving from Picton & to reserve a seat.
Fort Erie:
Buses leave Fort Erie at 8:30am from the Leisureplex (1 Municipal Centre Dr.), returning by 3pm.
To reserve a seat, contact Al at 905-871-1600 x2543.
Buses leave Trenton at 7:45am from the Holiday Inn parking lot, returning by 5pm.
For more information, visit
Buses leave Cambridge at 10am from the Cambridge Newfoundland Club at 1500 Dunbar Rd., returning by 3pm.
To reserve a seat, contact John at 519-623-0751.
Rally together your friends, your families, your neighbours, and your coworkers because the reality is, when we get sick or have a health emergency, each and every one of us counts on there being a hospital close by that is able to help us in our time of need.
A ever-growing group of citizens is taking the plight up to Queen's Park on April 29, 2009. Here are the details:
Stop the Hospital Cuts! Rally at Queen's Park
Because when we (or our loved ones) get sick or have a health emergency, we all count on there being a hospital close by that is able to help us.
Host: The Ontario Health Coalition
Type: Causes - Rally
Network: Global
Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm
Location: Queen's Park
Street: University Ave., just north of College St.
City/Town: Toronto, ON
Phone: 4164412502
DescriptionON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th--11:30AM
Thousands of people from cities and towns across Ontario facing major hospital cuts or closures are joining in solidarity to demand that McGuinty protect our local hospitals.
Consistent and intentional underfunding of hospital global budgets by the McGuinty government is forcing cuts to hospital beds and services not seen since the unprecedented Harris cuts of the mid-‘90s. Across the province, mass layoffs are being announced; services are being privatized, cut and/or centralized in hospitals far from patients’ homes; emergency rooms are being closed; and small and rural hospitals are under threat of closure. Unless the government improves funding, more than 70% of Ontario's hospitals will be thrown into deficit this fiscal year and more extreme cuts will follow.
Hospital cuts place an increased burden on remaining hospitals and staff. For Ontario residents, this means longer waits, worse overcrowding, traveling further, higher infection rates, paying out of pocket, and lower levels of care.
This past Saturday, concerned citizens from communities across Ontario showed their anger and frustration over local hospital cuts and closures of entire hospitals by waging protests outside the offices of their local MPPs. This is a critical time in the fight to protect local hospital services, and as these protesters recognize, the future of health care in Ontario really does rest in our hands.
This is the time to make the government aware that you will not stand idly by and let them put your health, and the health of your loved ones, at risk. A strong and visible challenge to the provincial government’s hospital restructuring plans will be the only thing that will change the government’s current direction.
Together, we can stop the cuts and closures!!
On Wednesday, April 29th, we will continue our quest to stop the cuts with a MASS RALLY at Queen’s Park, in Toronto at 11:30am.
The legislature will be in session--this is our chance to make McGuinty listen to the concerns of our communities!
The rally has been called by the Town of Fort Erie, working in alliance with municipalities across Ontario. The Ontario Health Coalition and local Health Coalitions across Ontario are supporting this important endeavour.
We have about 40 buses already booked, and we want to increase that number substantially--
If you can help arrange buses, carpools, and/or can help get a group together, we want to hear from you.
Please contact us at 416-441-2502 or at
St. Catharines:
Buses leave St. Catharines at 9:30am from CAW Local 199 (124 Bunting Rd.),
returning by 3pm.To reserve a seat, contact Sue at 905-932-1646 or Susan at
Buses leave Strathroy at 8am from Food Basics at Kenwick Plaza (Front/Head Streets)
returning by 5pm. To reserve a seat, contact Joyce at 519-245-3633 or Sandra at 519-245-8829.
Buses will leave Wallaceburg at 7am SHARP from the Sobey’s parking lot,
returning by 5pm. To reserve a seat on the bus, contact Shirley at 519-677-4474.
Buses leave Hamilton at 9:45am from Limeridge Mall: corner of Upper Wentworth St (across
from the Legion Hall and near The Bay), returning by 3pm. To reserve a seat, contact Nancy at 905-385-1933.
Buses leave Welland at 9am from Welland Market Square and will be back by 3pm.
To reserve a seat on the bus, call Fiona at 905-788-0756.
Buses leave Sarnia at 7am from the north municipal parking lot at Centennial Park (across from
Stokes By The Bay) To reserve a seat, contact Arlene at 519-542-1895. A $10 reservation fee is required.
Buses leave Petrolia at 7:15am from the parking lot across from the VPP, returning by 5pm.
To reserve a seat on the bus, contact Helen at 519-882-0357. A $10 reservation fee is required.
Buses leave Belleville at 8:30am from the Quinte Mall, behind the Shell Station/Denny’s, returning by 4pm.
To reserve a seat on the bus, contact Michael at 613-968-5550.
Port Colborne:
Buses leave Port Colborne at 8:30am from West Side Arena on Hwy 58, returning by 3pm.
To reserve a seat on the bus, contact Pat at 905-835-8249.
Contact Barb at 613-476-4097 for information about the bus leaving from Picton & to reserve a seat.
Fort Erie:
Buses leave Fort Erie at 8:30am from the Leisureplex (1 Municipal Centre Dr.), returning by 3pm.
To reserve a seat, contact Al at 905-871-1600 x2543.
Buses leave Trenton at 7:45am from the Holiday Inn parking lot, returning by 5pm.
For more information, visit
Buses leave Cambridge at 10am from the Cambridge Newfoundland Club at 1500 Dunbar Rd., returning by 3pm.
To reserve a seat, contact John at 519-623-0751.
Rally together your friends, your families, your neighbours, and your coworkers because the reality is, when we get sick or have a health emergency, each and every one of us counts on there being a hospital close by that is able to help us in our time of need.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
7 Days Left Until the Big Event in Vancouver
I even hear they planned a Liberal Convention around it.
ONTARIO! Ours to Recover
Host: James Curran & Ontario Liberals
Start Time: Thursday, April 30, 2009 at 9:00pm
End Time: Friday, May 1, 2009 at 2:00am
Location: The UBER LOUNGE @ Steamworks Brewing Co.
Street: 375 Water Street
City/Town: Vancouver, BC
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
One Member One Vote - The Rocco Rossi Version
Scott's Diatribes did us all a great service yesterday by posting an interview with the Liberal Party of Canada's Rocco Rossi about the upcoming convention and the ongoing debate over One Member One Vote.
Naturally, this doesn't mean the debate has ended, but it certainly helps some of those on the fence about whether or not to support the YLC amendment to the OMOV amendment.
I'm very very much on the record as being OPPOSED to the YLC amendment.
Here's some of the key highlights of the interview:
Scott: There has been some controversy with the OMOV amendment and the Young Liberals of Canada proposing a 25% quota of delegates reserved for them in any OMOV voting setup. What is your opinion on the YLC proposed sub-amendment?
Rocco: We need equal rights for all and special privileges for none on this issue. If the YLC members want a 25% voice, or even a 50% voice then all they have to do is work for it and recruit more members into the Party. An expanded and re-energized membership base is what we need in any case and to create one we must make membership count for something. And to make membership count, we must count every member!
Scott: What would your personal reaction be if a specific group within the Liberal Party helped to derail the OMOV amendment?
I like this Rocco Rossi guy me thinks.
Naturally, this doesn't mean the debate has ended, but it certainly helps some of those on the fence about whether or not to support the YLC amendment to the OMOV amendment.
I'm very very much on the record as being OPPOSED to the YLC amendment.
Here's some of the key highlights of the interview:
Rocco: And, I believe that the debate over weighted One Member One Vote will be one of the most important constitutional debates we have ever had. The delegates will have the power to truly empower every member by voting for one member one vote. It will be an act of courage and and act of selflessness because they will be voting not for themselves and their own special interest, but for every member across the country who have a right to a voice in the running and leading of our Party. For all those reasons, this will be an historic Convention.
Scott: There has been some controversy with the OMOV amendment and the Young Liberals of Canada proposing a 25% quota of delegates reserved for them in any OMOV voting setup. What is your opinion on the YLC proposed sub-amendment?
Rocco: We need equal rights for all and special privileges for none on this issue. If the YLC members want a 25% voice, or even a 50% voice then all they have to do is work for it and recruit more members into the Party. An expanded and re-energized membership base is what we need in any case and to create one we must make membership count for something. And to make membership count, we must count every member!
Scott: What would your personal reaction be if a specific group within the Liberal Party helped to derail the OMOV amendment?
Rocco: I would be disappointed and I think it will make fundraising and victory much more difficult, but, as I said above, I would work under whatever system the Party provides. But I am confident that we are a Party of inclusion and courage and that we will do the right thing for the vast majority of members who are currently marginalized and for the many, many more members who will be attracted by a party where every member counts because every member is counted.
I like this Rocco Rossi guy me thinks.
Monday, April 20, 2009
I Would Like 25% of the Vote for All Young Liberal Elections
The Young Liberals of Canada continue to lobby for their amendment to One Member One Vote at the upcoming Leadership and Policy Convention on April 30. Their membership demands a 25% reserve quota be allotted to youth in every riding in Canada. In other words, all those voting for leadership over the age of 25 will get only 0.75 of their casted vote counted. Kind of defeats the concept of One Member One Vote.
Currently youth members represent somewhere around 10% of the total membership of the Liberal Party of Canada.
Anywho, I think it's only fair that the other 90% of the Liberal Party of Canada get at least a 25% - 50% vote on the Youth elections. After all, the youth have a seat at the table on all the national commissions and the National Executive. Shouldn't the 90% of the Liberal Party have some kind say on who those youth representatives are?
Just sayin'.
Join our Facebook group for those opposed to the amendment:
Currently youth members represent somewhere around 10% of the total membership of the Liberal Party of Canada.
Anywho, I think it's only fair that the other 90% of the Liberal Party of Canada get at least a 25% - 50% vote on the Youth elections. After all, the youth have a seat at the table on all the national commissions and the National Executive. Shouldn't the 90% of the Liberal Party have some kind say on who those youth representatives are?
Just sayin'.
Join our Facebook group for those opposed to the amendment:
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Only 1.5 Hours Left to Vote For the F-Word Awards!!!
I Need Your F-ing Vote!?!
What the "F" is going on here? I have made it to the Support Bro Finals over at the F-Word Awards, that's what. As I said before, I'm humbled. Nonetheless, I'd like your support so click on the logo beneath to vote for all your favourite bloggers or use the F-Word link on the sidebar. Voting ends at midnight tonight so vote early and often.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I Am Endorsing Fabrice Rivault...and so should you!
Facebook Group is here.
With less than two weeks to go before the convention begins, I've decided to weigh in on one of the only battles that will be fought at the Convention About Nothing* (*TM Pending).
I have known Fabrice for 5 1/2 years now and have always been impressed by his incredible energy that he spends forwarding our Party's cause. Currently Fabrice is working with Marc Garneau, MP for Wesmount-Ville Marie and former Canadian Astronaut.
In my opinion, Fabrice will act as a catalyst for change with his foward thinking platform and committment to new technology and strong organization.
Dude's bio speaks for itself, so here it is:
With a Bachelors (BA) in Political Science, a Masters (MA) in International Relations and an MBA in Strategic Management, all three from McGill University, Fabrice Rivault is a bilingual Communications professional who is very active in the French-speaking community of Montreal.
Resident in Laurier--Sainte-Marie, Québec, Fabrice has been involved with the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) for years and has participated in various campaigns in Quebec and Ontario. During the 2004 elections, he was part of the LPC (Ontario) war-room and became National Delegate Secretary at the national office of LPC, in preparation of the 2005 Biennial Convention. He also acted as Deputy National Returning Officer for the Leadership Endorsement Review of the Right Honourable Paul Martin.
In April 2005, Fabrice joined the LPC (Quebec) as Director of Communications & Policy, and was part of the Coordinating Committee that rewrote the Party’s new Constitution. Fabrice Rivault worked in close collaboration with the members of the National Executive, which he is very familiar with. Member of the National Renewal Commission’s Internet Strategy Taskforce, Fabrice was the first in Canada to endow 75 candidates in a federal election – as well as 75 Quebec riding associations - with micro websites (ex.
Coauthor of “Reconquering Canada: Quebec Federalists Speak Up for Change”, Fabrice was prospective Liberal candidate in the riding of Bloc Québécois Leader, Gilles Duceppe, in 2007. In November of the same year, he accepted to become Director of Communications for Marc Garneau in anticipation of the 2008 federal elections. Once more, he was the first in the country to develop and launch an online networking and fundraising tool similar to those used in the United States:
As Vice-President (French), Fabrice will put forward an approach based on grassroots involvement. Firstly, he will speak strongly for French-speaking communities throughout Canada. Secondly, he will promote a more equitable representation of women during the next elections. Thirdly, he’ll encourage the further use of New Technologies to better prepare LPC to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Finally, he’ll defend the voice of the grassroots and the federative structure of the Party while insuring a great efficiency in terms of communications, organization and fundraising.
For a Party at the service of its members: VOTE FABRICE RIVAULT FOR VICE-PRÉSIDENT (FRENCH) of the Liberal Party of Canada!
En Francais
Titulaire d’un Baccalauréat (BA) en Sciences politiques, d’une Maîtrise (MA) en Relations internationales et d’un MBA en Gestion stratégique, tous trois de l’Université McGill, Fabrice Rivault est un professionnel des communications parfaitement bilingue et très actif dans le milieu communautaire francophone de Montréal.
Résident dans Laurier--Sainte-Marie, au Québec, Fabrice est impliqué depuis des années au sein du Parti libéral du Canada (PLC) et a participé à de multiples campagnes au Québec et en Ontario. Durant les élections de 2004, il fait partie du War-Room du PLC (Ontario) et devient Secrétaire national des délégués au bureau national du PLC, en préparation du Congrès biennal de 2005. Il agit également à titre de Directeur adjoint du scrutin national lors du vote de confiance du Chef, le Très honorable Paul Martin.
En Avril 2005, Fabrice se joint au PLC (Québec) en tant que Directeur des communications et des politiques et fait immédiatement parti du Comité directeur qui coordonne les travaux de rédaction de la nouvelle constitution du parti. Il travaille durant plusieurs années en étroite collaboration avec les membres de l’exécutif national dont il connaît parfaitement le fonctionnement. Membre de la Commission nationale du renouveau sur le renouvellement de la stratégie Internet du parti, Fabrice est le premier au Canada à doter 75 candidats à une élection fédérale, mais aussi 75 associations de comté québécoises, de microsites Internet – ex.
Co-auteur de « Reconquérir le Canada », Fabrice Rivault est aspirant candidat libéral dans le comté du Chef du Bloc québécois, Gilles Duceppe, en 2007. En novembre de la même année, il accepte de devenir Directeur des communications pour Marc Garneau en prévision des élections fédérales de 2008. À ce titre, il est encore une fois le premier au pays à développer un système de financement par réseautage en ligne, à l’image de ce qui se fait aux États-Unis :
En tant que vice-président (francophone), Fabrice préconisera une approche axée sur l’engagement de la base militante. Premièrement, il parlera d’une voix forte pour tous les libéraux francophones. Deuxièmement, il promouvra une plus juste représentativité des femmes lors des prochaines élections. Troisièmement, il encouragera une meilleure utilisation des nouvelles technologies afin de mieux préparer le PLC à relever les défis du 21e siècle. Finalement, il défendra la voix de la base militante et la structure fédérative du parti tout en s’assurant d’une meilleure efficacité sur le plan des communications, de l’organisation et du financement.
Pour un parti au service de ses membres : VOTEZ FABRICE RIVAULT POUR VICE-PRÉSIDENT (FRANCOPHONE) du Parti libéral du Canada !
Many, more important people endorse Fabrice too!
Steven MacKinnon
Ancien Directeur National du PLC & Directeur national de la campagne de Michael Ignatieff
Past national Director LPC & National Campaign Director for Michael Ignatieff
Michael Hillman
Vice-président Vancouver Kingsway et ancien Vice-President (Anglophone) national
Vice President Vancouver Kingsway and former Vice-President LPC
Karl Littler
Ancien Chef de cabinet adjoint du Très honorable Paul Martin
Former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Right Honourable Paul Martin
Scott Andrews
Député de Avalon
Member of Parliament for Avalon
Siobhan Coady
Députée de St. John’s South--Mount Pear
Member of Parliament for St. John’s South--Mount Pear
L'Honorable Yvon Charbonneau
Membre du Conseil privé
Member of Privy Council
Mike Crawley
Président du Parti libéral du Canada (Ontario)
President of the Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario)
Bobbi Éthier
LPC (Manitoba) Ancienne présidente
LPC (Manitoba) - Past President
Adam Campbell
Ancien President LPC(Alberta) et ancien Candidat 2008
Former President LPC(Alberta) and former Candidate 2008
Sharon Apsey
Co-présidente provicial du Comité national de préparation electoral
Provincial Co-Chair on the National Election Readiness Committee
Marie Reine Paré
Co-Présidente de la Commission nationale des Aïnés
Co-Chair of the National Seniors Commission
Richard Diamond
Ancien Président des Jeunes libéraux du Canada
Former President of the Young Liberals of Canada
Chris Koddermann
Directeur de campagne 2008 de Bob Rae
Bob Rae's 2008 Campaign Director
Comlan Amouzou
President de la Commission du multiculturalisme du PLC(Q)
President of the LPC(Quebec) Multiculturalism Commission
Howard Stevenson
Trésorier du Parti libéral du Canada (Ontario)
LPC(Ontario) Treasurer
Caroline Savic
Ancienne Présidente de la Commission des femmes de PLCQ
LPCQ Women Commission's Former President
Mark Podlasly
Président de la Commission du renouveau sur l'Internet
Chair of Renewal Commission on the Internet
Byrne Furlong
Présidente des Jeunes libéraux de McGill
President of Young Liberal McGill
Tim Tierney
Ancien Webmaster du Parti libéral du Canada
Former Webmaster of the Liberal Party of Canada
Hervé Rivet
Ancien Directeur executif du Parti libéral du Canada (Québec)
LPC(Quebec) Former Excecutive Director
Wendy Corn
Ancienne Directrice national du financement du PLC
LPC former Fundraising Director
James W. Gormley
Président du Club Laurier de l'Ile du Prince Édouard
Chair, Laurier Club of Prince Edward Island
Tyler Banham
Candidat 2008 dans Hamilton Mountain
2008 Candidate in Hamilton Mountain
Michel Fecteau
Président d'Associations et ancien candidat
Riding President and Former candidate - St Jean
Me Robert Frégeau
Candidat 2008 dans Marc Aurel Fortin
2008 Candidate Marc Aurel Fortin
Marc Pettersen
Candidat 2008 dans Chicoutimi--Le Fjord
2008 Candidate in Chicoutimi--Le Fjord
William Hogg
Candidat 2008 dans Compton Standstead
Candidate 2008 Compton Standstead
Friday, April 17, 2009
The F-Word Finals....I'm a Finalist!!
Wow! That's a very humbling experience. Thanks for the votes. Vote again tomorrow for your best blogger finalists.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Happy Have Not Province Day Everyone!
Wow. Couldn't have done that if I tried. Yet, somehow, it's a reality. Ontario is officially a have not province today.
Happy Have Not Province Day Everyone!
Wow. Couldn't have done that if I tried. Yet, somehow, it's a reality. Ontario is officially a have not province today.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
18 Days and $165
I'm told I only have to raise another $165 and my delegatate fees are paid for in full! WoooHoooo. Thank you to all of you that have given so generously. For those that would like to chip in the odd $10 or so, please click my SPONSOR ME link on my sidebar.
Thanks again for you support!
Thanks again for you support!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Holy F-Word!
I'm speechless. And, if you know me, that is unusual.
Today I was notified that I've been nominated for an F-Word award under the "Support Bro" category. Apparently for fighting the good fight when it was proposed that the Niagara Falls hospital has to close its maternity ward.
I'm flattered and humbled. I've seen the others nominated in the category, and am happy to even be mentioned in the same breath.
Anywho, thanks to nominatrix for the tip of the hat and anyone wishing to vote on the support bro category do so here.
Today I was notified that I've been nominated for an F-Word award under the "Support Bro" category. Apparently for fighting the good fight when it was proposed that the Niagara Falls hospital has to close its maternity ward.
I'm flattered and humbled. I've seen the others nominated in the category, and am happy to even be mentioned in the same breath.
Anywho, thanks to nominatrix for the tip of the hat and anyone wishing to vote on the support bro category do so here.
Friday, April 10, 2009
One Member One Vote Amendment Spills Over into En Famille
I have taken the debate of the Liberal Youth Amendment to the One Member, One Vote Amendment over to En Famille. Join in the conversation over there if you like. As I have said before, I AM OPPOSED TO THE YOUTH AMENDMENT.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Liberal Youth Threaten to Topple One Member One Vote
As many have commented. Jeff has an excellent thread going on the issue.
It's already a challenge getting One Member One Vote to fly at the Vancouver convention. 66% of the voters must vote for the constitutional amendment to get it passed. Now, the youth want to complicate the measure even further by demanding a quota of 25% of the riding votes. This is an actual amendment to the amendment.
My suggestion is that the youth reconsider and withdraw their amendment. The idea behind One Member One Vote is that NOBODY gets left out in selecting the leader of the party. If you're a member, you get a vote. Whether you're a youth, senior, aboriginal, female or fat middle-aged white guy, YOU GET A VOTE!
The youth, on a good day may represent up to 14% of the party, including those between the age of 14 and 18 that aren't able to vote in a general election. So why on earth are they DEMANDING a 25% quota? Show me a year in this party's history where the youth ever had 25% control of the membership.
One commenter on Jeff's thread suggests there should also be a 50% quota for women. That's a good idea. Now we're up to 75% of the riding's vote being controlled by the youth and the women. Why not take it a step further. 25% for the seniors as they are under represented, yet form a HUGE part of the population in Canada (read baby boomers). While we're at it, let's ensure that the true original Canadians have a say because our Aboriginal Peoples are the most under represented in the entire system. We'll give them a 25% quota too.
Now let's do the math. 25+50+25+25= 125%. I guess if every riding gets 200% of their votes, regular non-female, non-youth, non-Aboriginal, non-seniors might get a say in the party.
The same fellow also suggests that the age limit of youth members should be extended to include all youth up to the age of 30. 30!!! I'm sorry, but if someone suggested to me that I was a youth at 30, I would have laughed in their general direction. If anything, I think youth membership should end the day before your 22nd birthday. In a lot of jurisdictions, 21 is considered the age of majority. NOT 25!
Sorry. I took a detour on this one. Moral of the story is, I will not support the youth quota amendment, nor will I support any other quota amendments. You want more say? Go get a membership and your say shall be equal to everyone else's in the party.
It's already a challenge getting One Member One Vote to fly at the Vancouver convention. 66% of the voters must vote for the constitutional amendment to get it passed. Now, the youth want to complicate the measure even further by demanding a quota of 25% of the riding votes. This is an actual amendment to the amendment.
My suggestion is that the youth reconsider and withdraw their amendment. The idea behind One Member One Vote is that NOBODY gets left out in selecting the leader of the party. If you're a member, you get a vote. Whether you're a youth, senior, aboriginal, female or fat middle-aged white guy, YOU GET A VOTE!
The youth, on a good day may represent up to 14% of the party, including those between the age of 14 and 18 that aren't able to vote in a general election. So why on earth are they DEMANDING a 25% quota? Show me a year in this party's history where the youth ever had 25% control of the membership.
One commenter on Jeff's thread suggests there should also be a 50% quota for women. That's a good idea. Now we're up to 75% of the riding's vote being controlled by the youth and the women. Why not take it a step further. 25% for the seniors as they are under represented, yet form a HUGE part of the population in Canada (read baby boomers). While we're at it, let's ensure that the true original Canadians have a say because our Aboriginal Peoples are the most under represented in the entire system. We'll give them a 25% quota too.
Now let's do the math. 25+50+25+25= 125%. I guess if every riding gets 200% of their votes, regular non-female, non-youth, non-Aboriginal, non-seniors might get a say in the party.
The same fellow also suggests that the age limit of youth members should be extended to include all youth up to the age of 30. 30!!! I'm sorry, but if someone suggested to me that I was a youth at 30, I would have laughed in their general direction. If anything, I think youth membership should end the day before your 22nd birthday. In a lot of jurisdictions, 21 is considered the age of majority. NOT 25!
Sorry. I took a detour on this one. Moral of the story is, I will not support the youth quota amendment, nor will I support any other quota amendments. You want more say? Go get a membership and your say shall be equal to everyone else's in the party.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Wanted: More Anonymous Sponsors
As most of you know by now, many members of the blogging community are fundraising for their delegate fees to Vancouver. With 26 days left to raise funds, I encourage all of you to support one of your favourite bloggers with even the smallest of donations. $10 or $15 dollars adds up after a while.
Friday, April 3, 2009
War Crimes Prosecutor to Probe Gaza Violations
Gaza Probe
By Lisa Schlein
03 April 2009
Richard Goldstone speaks during a press conference, 3 Apr 2009
A widely respected South African judge and former International War Crimes Prosecutor will lead a UN investigation into alleged war crimes committed in the Gaza Strip. Richard Goldstone and three other human rights experts will examine all aspects of the violence that occurred during Israel's military incursion into Gaza at the end of last year.
In mid-January, the 47-member UN Human Rights Council voted overwhelmingly for a fact-finding mission to investigate grave human rights violations by Israeli forces against the Palestinians.
What will be mission's scope?
Judge Richard Goldstone indicates the mission will be wider in scope.
"There are substantial allegations of war crimes and serious violations of human rights law having been committed before, during and after the military operations in Gaza between 27 December, 2008 and 18 January, 2009," Goldstone said. "It is in the interest of all Israelis and Palestinians that the facts relevant to those allegations should be impartially investigated by an independent international mission."
More than 1,400 Palestinians, including 960 civilians, reportedly were killed during the Israeli military offensive in Gaza. Israel, which lost 13 people during the war, disputes these figures and says it was forced to take action to stop Hamas fighters from launching rockets into its territory.
Who is Goldstone?
Goldstone was chief prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. He also served as a judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa.
Goldstone, who is Jewish, says it came as a shock to him when he was invited by the president of the UN Human Rights Council to head this mission.
"I have taken a deep interest in Israel and what happens in Israel and I have been associated with organizations that have worked in Israel," he said. "But, having said that, I believe that I can approach the daunting task that I have accepted in an even-handed and impartial manner and give it the same attention that I have to situations in my own country where perhaps similar considerations may have been taken into account."
UN backs nominee
The president of the UN Council stood by his nominee, calling his pedigree very distinguished. For his part, Goldstone says the mission will examine the context and consequences of the military action in Gaza.
He urges all relevant parties to assist and cooperate in the mission. He says he hopes the report, which will emerge will make a contribution to the peace process in the Middle East.
Israel has refused to cooperate with previous UN investigative missions. So far, it has not said whether or not it would cooperate with this delegation.
By Lisa Schlein
03 April 2009
Richard Goldstone speaks during a press conference, 3 Apr 2009
A widely respected South African judge and former International War Crimes Prosecutor will lead a UN investigation into alleged war crimes committed in the Gaza Strip. Richard Goldstone and three other human rights experts will examine all aspects of the violence that occurred during Israel's military incursion into Gaza at the end of last year.
In mid-January, the 47-member UN Human Rights Council voted overwhelmingly for a fact-finding mission to investigate grave human rights violations by Israeli forces against the Palestinians.
What will be mission's scope?
Judge Richard Goldstone indicates the mission will be wider in scope.
"There are substantial allegations of war crimes and serious violations of human rights law having been committed before, during and after the military operations in Gaza between 27 December, 2008 and 18 January, 2009," Goldstone said. "It is in the interest of all Israelis and Palestinians that the facts relevant to those allegations should be impartially investigated by an independent international mission."
More than 1,400 Palestinians, including 960 civilians, reportedly were killed during the Israeli military offensive in Gaza. Israel, which lost 13 people during the war, disputes these figures and says it was forced to take action to stop Hamas fighters from launching rockets into its territory.
Who is Goldstone?
Goldstone was chief prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. He also served as a judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa.
Goldstone, who is Jewish, says it came as a shock to him when he was invited by the president of the UN Human Rights Council to head this mission.
"I have taken a deep interest in Israel and what happens in Israel and I have been associated with organizations that have worked in Israel," he said. "But, having said that, I believe that I can approach the daunting task that I have accepted in an even-handed and impartial manner and give it the same attention that I have to situations in my own country where perhaps similar considerations may have been taken into account."
UN backs nominee
The president of the UN Council stood by his nominee, calling his pedigree very distinguished. For his part, Goldstone says the mission will examine the context and consequences of the military action in Gaza.
He urges all relevant parties to assist and cooperate in the mission. He says he hopes the report, which will emerge will make a contribution to the peace process in the Middle East.
Israel has refused to cooperate with previous UN investigative missions. So far, it has not said whether or not it would cooperate with this delegation.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
George Galloway Duped by Jewish Defense League
h/t to HR for this article. Notice any reference to the Liberal Party? Anyone?
Terrorist organization that planned to bomb Concordia University advised Canadian government to ban MP George Galloway
By Scott Weinstein
March 29, 2009
An organization that planned to blow up Concordia University, and that the FBI, the U.S. State Department, and U.S. courts have branded a 'terrorist organization', has given advice to the Harper government that led Immigration Minister Jason Kenney to barring a British MP from Canada.
A Kenney spokesman said Kenney first heard about British MP George Galloway's visit from a Jewish Defense League (JDL) March 16 letter.
The Jewish Defense League, is categorized by the FBI as a “right-wing Jewish terrorist group”, founded in 1968 by ultra Zionist Meir Kahane. Kanahe then founded the terrorist group Khach in Israel. JDL leader Meir Weinstein (no relation to the author) boasts of getting the Canadian government to ban Galloway.
Mr. Galloway, labelled a terrorist threat by the Conservative government, is freely touring the U.S. now. Galloway is scheduled to speak in four Canadian cities from March 30 to April 2 on "Resisting War from Gaza to Kandahar". He plans to speak against the Conservative government’s war in Afghanistan and uncritical support for Israel, which is why his Canadian defenders - and even some opponents - feel he is banned from speaking here.
The JDL can now claim further success because Concordia University just forbade a planned Galloway live video feed into their auditorium, citing Canada’s banning his entry into the country.
The JDL’s well documented history of terrorism
It is impossible that the Harper government is unaware that the JDL’s terrorism designation given how earnestly Canada and the US share such information, and how public information of some of their dozens of domestic terror acts is. (See )
The US State Department designated the JDL’s Israeli affiliates, Kach, founded by Kahane, and the Kahane Chai, named in honor of Kahane after his murder, as “foreign terrorist organizations” – a decision recently upheld by a US Appeals Court. The Israeli Cabinet declared them terrorist organizations in 1994.
Baruch Goldstein massacred 29 Palestinians praying in a mosque in Hebron. The Jewish Defense League’s states, “We view Dr. Goldstein as a martyr in Judaism's protracted struggle against Arab terrorism. And we are not ashamed to say that Goldstein was a charter member of the Jewish Defense League”.
The JDL is still active with Hebron’s Jewish settlers, most visibly remarkable for its hate graffiti such as: “Arabs to the Gas Chambers”.
In a 1986 study of domestic terrorism, the US Department of Energy concluded: “For more than a decade, the Jewish Defense League (JDL) has been one of the most active terrorist groups in the United States. Since 1968, JDL operations have killed 7 persons and wounded at least 22.”
Despite their terrorist designation, and the post 9-11 war on terror, JDL leaders, members and chapters still function unhindered by security agencies in North America. One can only attribute it to the similarity between the JDL’s ideology and our governments’ Middle East and Muslim policies.
In 2001, JDL leader, Canadian Irv Rubin and another member were convicted of planning a terror attack in California against an Arab American congressman and a mosque. Rubin was also accused of planning to bomb Concordia University. Both JDL members were murdered in prison, although authorities claim Rubin’s slashed neck and two-story fall was a suicide.
Rubin’s death appeared to be the end of the JDL in North America.
The JDL resurfaces in fertile Canada
Canadian Jewish critics of Israel have noted the Harper government’s numerous unholy alliances to contain opponents of its Middle East and Afghanistan policies. Some believe that the little known Canada-Israel Security Agreement maybe behind the Galloway ban. Certainly, the Conservatives have provided a political terrain that is now fertile for the JDL to operate.
It is contemptible that the Conservative government for “national security reasons” bans outspoken anti-war critic and Palestinian supporter British MP George Galloway while allowing a known terrorist organization a free pass to operate in Canada and advise their policies.
Given that Concordia University’s Security Department is run by a former RCMP officer, we should question their readiness to accept such a politicized chain of events leading to the University banning the Galloway video feed.
The recent past appears forgotten and forgiven for the JDL, which resurfaced in Toronto two years ago. Meir Weinstein answered the question by The Jewish Press if the JDL in Toronto adheres to the ideology of Meir Kahane? "I will always be a loyal disciple of Rabbi Kahane. Our ideology is based on the Jewish Idea as taught by Rabbi Kahane."
Last year Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) leader Bernie Farber’s opinion on the JDL was “they have the right to exist” as long as they behave. The Canadian Jewish News on March 20, 2009 wrote the “ CJC commends government for denying George Galloway entry to Canada”.
The Jewish B’nai Brith and the JDL both targeted the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) in 2007 to prevent them from debating a motion critical of Israel. The JDL is now going after the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) for similar reasons. Liberal aide Warren Kinsella appeared last week at a meeting organized by the JDL as a surprise guest.
In last week’s interview on British Channel 4 TV with George Galloway, JDL leader Meir Weinstein threatened any Canadian who attended or supported Galloway’s presentation would be “monitored” by the Canadian government. (See:
Perhaps the Conservative government is testing whether Canadians still care about their rights, or Canada’s policies in Afghanistan and the Middle East. Canada sinks into infamy when its government labels its enemies terrorist, while coddling its allies who are real terrorists.
Terrorist organization that planned to bomb Concordia University advised Canadian government to ban MP George Galloway
By Scott Weinstein
March 29, 2009
An organization that planned to blow up Concordia University, and that the FBI, the U.S. State Department, and U.S. courts have branded a 'terrorist organization', has given advice to the Harper government that led Immigration Minister Jason Kenney to barring a British MP from Canada.
A Kenney spokesman said Kenney first heard about British MP George Galloway's visit from a Jewish Defense League (JDL) March 16 letter.
The Jewish Defense League, is categorized by the FBI as a “right-wing Jewish terrorist group”, founded in 1968 by ultra Zionist Meir Kahane. Kanahe then founded the terrorist group Khach in Israel. JDL leader Meir Weinstein (no relation to the author) boasts of getting the Canadian government to ban Galloway.
Mr. Galloway, labelled a terrorist threat by the Conservative government, is freely touring the U.S. now. Galloway is scheduled to speak in four Canadian cities from March 30 to April 2 on "Resisting War from Gaza to Kandahar". He plans to speak against the Conservative government’s war in Afghanistan and uncritical support for Israel, which is why his Canadian defenders - and even some opponents - feel he is banned from speaking here.
The JDL can now claim further success because Concordia University just forbade a planned Galloway live video feed into their auditorium, citing Canada’s banning his entry into the country.
The JDL’s well documented history of terrorism
It is impossible that the Harper government is unaware that the JDL’s terrorism designation given how earnestly Canada and the US share such information, and how public information of some of their dozens of domestic terror acts is. (See )
The US State Department designated the JDL’s Israeli affiliates, Kach, founded by Kahane, and the Kahane Chai, named in honor of Kahane after his murder, as “foreign terrorist organizations” – a decision recently upheld by a US Appeals Court. The Israeli Cabinet declared them terrorist organizations in 1994.
Baruch Goldstein massacred 29 Palestinians praying in a mosque in Hebron. The Jewish Defense League’s states, “We view Dr. Goldstein as a martyr in Judaism's protracted struggle against Arab terrorism. And we are not ashamed to say that Goldstein was a charter member of the Jewish Defense League”.
The JDL is still active with Hebron’s Jewish settlers, most visibly remarkable for its hate graffiti such as: “Arabs to the Gas Chambers”.
In a 1986 study of domestic terrorism, the US Department of Energy concluded: “For more than a decade, the Jewish Defense League (JDL) has been one of the most active terrorist groups in the United States. Since 1968, JDL operations have killed 7 persons and wounded at least 22.”
Despite their terrorist designation, and the post 9-11 war on terror, JDL leaders, members and chapters still function unhindered by security agencies in North America. One can only attribute it to the similarity between the JDL’s ideology and our governments’ Middle East and Muslim policies.
In 2001, JDL leader, Canadian Irv Rubin and another member were convicted of planning a terror attack in California against an Arab American congressman and a mosque. Rubin was also accused of planning to bomb Concordia University. Both JDL members were murdered in prison, although authorities claim Rubin’s slashed neck and two-story fall was a suicide.
Rubin’s death appeared to be the end of the JDL in North America.
The JDL resurfaces in fertile Canada
Canadian Jewish critics of Israel have noted the Harper government’s numerous unholy alliances to contain opponents of its Middle East and Afghanistan policies. Some believe that the little known Canada-Israel Security Agreement maybe behind the Galloway ban. Certainly, the Conservatives have provided a political terrain that is now fertile for the JDL to operate.
It is contemptible that the Conservative government for “national security reasons” bans outspoken anti-war critic and Palestinian supporter British MP George Galloway while allowing a known terrorist organization a free pass to operate in Canada and advise their policies.
Given that Concordia University’s Security Department is run by a former RCMP officer, we should question their readiness to accept such a politicized chain of events leading to the University banning the Galloway video feed.
The recent past appears forgotten and forgiven for the JDL, which resurfaced in Toronto two years ago. Meir Weinstein answered the question by The Jewish Press if the JDL in Toronto adheres to the ideology of Meir Kahane? "I will always be a loyal disciple of Rabbi Kahane. Our ideology is based on the Jewish Idea as taught by Rabbi Kahane."
Last year Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) leader Bernie Farber’s opinion on the JDL was “they have the right to exist” as long as they behave. The Canadian Jewish News on March 20, 2009 wrote the “ CJC commends government for denying George Galloway entry to Canada”.
The Jewish B’nai Brith and the JDL both targeted the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) in 2007 to prevent them from debating a motion critical of Israel. The JDL is now going after the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) for similar reasons. Liberal aide Warren Kinsella appeared last week at a meeting organized by the JDL as a surprise guest.
In last week’s interview on British Channel 4 TV with George Galloway, JDL leader Meir Weinstein threatened any Canadian who attended or supported Galloway’s presentation would be “monitored” by the Canadian government. (See:
Perhaps the Conservative government is testing whether Canadians still care about their rights, or Canada’s policies in Afghanistan and the Middle East. Canada sinks into infamy when its government labels its enemies terrorist, while coddling its allies who are real terrorists.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Should 1 Anxious Liberal Be Reinstated to
You be the judge and jury. It's only fair that it's a democratic decision. Many have questioned whether or not 1AL is even a Liberal at all. Many defend 1AL as a freedom speecher. Me? I don't know. I don't ask for the real identities of those bloggers that are on
1AL was deemed inactive after this post. Many lawyers - I mean commentors - suggested to that the title of the post contains a certain possibility of libel. While there is a disclaimer on the aggregator itself, was not prepared to take that chance. Similarly, I am of the understanding that Progressive Bloggers were of the same opinion at their aggregator.
It's bad enough that I have to defend against my own lawsuits, but to defend one on something someone else penned is a whole other ballgame.
1AL was deemed inactive after this post. Many lawyers - I mean commentors - suggested to that the title of the post contains a certain possibility of libel. While there is a disclaimer on the aggregator itself, was not prepared to take that chance. Similarly, I am of the understanding that Progressive Bloggers were of the same opinion at their aggregator.
It's bad enough that I have to defend against my own lawsuits, but to defend one on something someone else penned is a whole other ballgame. Welcomes "Musings from the political youth corner"
The newest Featured Liberal Blogger to join is "Musings From the Political Youth Corner". Stop by the blog and say hello.
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