Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Debate Reviews in Their Words

Bulletin from the cause: Liberal Party of Canada
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Praise for Michael Ignatieff's performance in the English language Leaders' Debate
Des éloges au sujet de la performance de Michael Ignatieff lors du débat des chefs en anglais

(Quotes are included in their original language/Les extraits sont transmis dans leur langue originale de diffusion)

“[Ignatieff] firmly established himself as Mr. Harper's strongest and most relevant opponent, helped by a performance by NDP Leader Jack Layton that at times verged on amateurish.” (Adam Radwanski,, April 12, 2011)

“Ignatieff strong and forceful critiquing Harper.” (Chris Waddell, Director of the School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University, CBC Radio One, April 12, 2011)

« À son premier débat télévisé comme chef, il a fait preuve d'aplomb et d'assurance. … Il a trouvé le ton juste pour se présenter comme un premier ministre tout en critiquant Stephen Harper. Il était dynamique sans avoir l'air enragé. Le chef libéral a prouvé qu'il peut débattre efficacement. Après le débat de mardi soir, Ignatieff est certainement en meilleure position que deux heures plus tôt. » (Marco Fortier,
Rue Frontenac, le 12 avril 2011)

“[Ignatieff] proved himself to be a very strong debater, a fierce opponent of Mr. Harper and his policies.” (Globe & Mail, Editorial, April 12, 2011)

“I thought [Ignatieff] showed some street vernacular. I thought he showed himself very articulate, I saw that on the foreign policy and on the parliamentary democracy side I thought he showed some passion.” (Allan Gregg, CBC, April 12, 2011)

“Impassioned criticism of Harper on issues of democracy and respect for Parliament.” (, April 12, 2011)

“Rankings: 1) Ignatieff 2) Harper 2) Layton (tie) 4) Duceppe” (Don MacPherson, Montreal Gazette, Twitter, April 12, 2011)

“Ignatieff est particulièrement efficace sur la politique étrangère des conservateurs.” (Gilbert Lavoie, Chroniqueur politique au SOLEIL, Twitter, le 12 avril 2011)

“I thought that Michael Ignatieff did indeed exceed expectations. He needed to do that and he needed to give a combination of who he was… created narrative about his family, immigration, and he was able to get his values, and focus on the platform, and I think he did a very, very good job of that." (Barry McLoughlin, media analyst, CTV, April 12, 2011)

“Ignatieff strings together Facebookgate, prorogation, contempt, respect for Parliament--I think this is a strong attack.” (Colby Cosh,, Twitter, April 12, 2011)

« les thèmes les discours non-scriptés de sa campagne ont peut-être porté fruit. On a entendu certaines de ses lignes les plus efficaces, c’est un procès de la bonne foi de M. Harper. » (Emmanuelle Latraverse, RDI, le 12 avril 2011)

“Ignatieff got the jabs at Harper. He also appealed in rather eloquent ways to Liberal values – the story about Kenya, justice, [how] prison makes everyone worse, we’re the only party with a food policy… a real appeal to humanitarianism.” (Dan Tisch, President of Argyle Communications, CBC Radio One, April 12, 2011)

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