This is just bullshit! It's time for a damn election. I don't give a shit if Canadians give the Liberals 40 seats as a result. This government has made a mockery of the Canadian Parliament and parliamentarians in general. It's time for the Liberal Party of Canada to grow a set of nuts and stand up for SOMETHING for Gawdsake. ANYTHING! Why have deadlines if you can't even damned well enforce them?
It's embarrasing anymore. I feel sick to my stomach.
I agree Jim. The govt is stalling on the Afghan detainee issue and the opposition parties are just following along. I suggest that the govt is given a firm deadline and if the the agreement is not reached, pass a motion in the house to charge the government with contempt.
Sick is exactly the word. George Lakoff's advice for Iggy to shape his presentation is just part of the solution. The Libs need to re-define themselves into a concrete, emotion-touching message machine with clear goals, impeccable benefits for Canadians and a reclamation of the moral high ground. The Conservatives keep giving the gift of victory to the progressives but there is no one to take up the challenge. Yes, it makes me sick. I feel defeated and vulnerable because no one in the opposition is doing enough to fight the Cons and preserve our country.
The government was given a firm deadline and they didn't follow it. It's time for the opposition to pick one of Stephen's tools and have them dragged out of the House in shackles.
When I read that article I knew it was the end of Iggy and a new campaign for Rae was in earnest. I'm not a Liberal, well not anymore, too many Cons in that party, but I felt sick, I felt sorry, I felt abandoned and ashamed that the brain trust didn't know intuitively long ago, Iggy would be the death of the once proud Liberal party.
Contempt charges takes leadership and determination, unfortunately none exists among the Liberals right now, they are in crisis and panic. It's a sad day for Canada.
Agree with the substance.
"It's embarrasing anymore."
I just finished a novel where the author was fond of using the word "anymore" in this way. It always jumped out a me as either very wrong or a regional usage I wasn't familiar with. According to Google it's the second.
You're absolutely right James. The interim Leader of the Liberal Party has left the Libs utterly shelled and directionless. The party just drifts along clinging to brand loyalty to stay afloat. Iggy got his coup and he got his coronation and then he did nothing with it.
In Japan the other day, the PM resigned. He was unpopular and was dragging down his party's fortunes. Thus, he resigned for the sake of his party.
We're told that the LPC cannot oust Ignatieff but he could do the honourable thing. He is dragging down his party's fortunes.
Rae seems to be everyone's idea of a shoe-in for the leadership. Not so fast! Rae just went to Afghanistan and is making noises about keeping our forces there beyond 2011. He's taking a line that's been soundly rejected by the electorate on an issue that looms very large. With Harper saying he's sticking with the 2011 deadline to leave (of course we know Harper doesn't honour deadlines, but still...) Rae is looking like a hawk to Harper's softer gentler dove persona.
The documents issue is important. To me, it is of paramount importance. Unfortunately, it is not first and foremost for most voters. An extension of the Afghan mission proposed the the party that put us there in the first place is one thing that does get the attention of voters... and they don't like it.
Libs need a fresh(er) face. Martha would attract more swing votes from soft Greens or Dippers in ridings where strategic voting has a chance to topple a Con. Rae, with this latest dumbass statement, can not attract any more votes than the anti-environment Ignatieff.
Rae is also an easy target for the Con smear campaign. In fact, it's already begun since they see no point in attacking the hapless Ignatieff and are predicting Rae to succeed him.
Does anyone remember Romeo..Bob Rae is not the only one.
Oh... one can not go on changing leaders like diapers!!!
Oh... one can not go on changing leaders like diapers!!!
Like shitty diapers, shitty leaders need changing. They stink the place up and drive would-be admirers away, dontchaknow.
Jim Bobby nails it re: Rae/Afghanistan and exactly the reason I'll park my vote somewhere else in the interim.
Iggy resign as a gentleman for the sake of the party and the country. Martha could bring me back and help fill the coffers, and the country would swoon! Rae is the wrong choice, as Boomers haven't forgotten.
At first, complaining about Harper yet you do not care if the Liberals get 40 seats, so you don't care if Harper gets a Majority..beause that is just what he will get, if the Liberals dive!!!!
You're blind AND dumb Annie. Who cares if we get forty seats. I mean really. Who cares. We stand for nothing. We oppose nothing. Give your head a shake. You think waiting for the fall will be any better? WRONG.
Anonymous: Martha could bring me back and help fill the coffers, and the country would swoon! Rae is the wrong choice, as Boomers haven't forgotten.
Agree with you about Rae; would be a disaster because of the Harpercon attack ads. I can also see Gilles using those very same attack ads in Quebec.
However, another problem is that the NDP, Bloc and Harpercon supporters are now collectively calling the Liberals "The Toronto Party". Perhaps a good start would be a leader from outside Toronto; in fact, outside Ontario.
This time he/she should be from Quebec,(my preference would be Martin Cauchon; but problem; re ADSCAM) or there are two potentials from New Brunswick, although, one isn't a federal liberal party member and would require an offer he can't refuse; Frank McKenna. He's too right winged for me, but then, the majority centrists have shifted to the right. He's also far less terrifying than Harper.
Oh, and I read in Jim Travers' column that Apps is stepping down??
Could this spell good news?
A couple things. One, Martha can't raise money to save herself. 4 years later, her leadership debt is still around. She would be a disaster.
Two, who is Romeo?
The rumours of Apps started over a week ago. He should have stepped down the second he forgot to tell the party he met with Gillani.
Word is he's done on a Friday afternoon about 3 weeks from now.
WDIKG, you are right on this issue. Well, I would say that, as I completely agree. Surely we will defend our own motion, moved in part by the current leader, the Order of Parliament, parliamentary supremacy, democracy, and look for the truth about complicity in torture. If not, we are worthless.
Jimmy C, who is "we"?
I would cry but instead I must laugh
Good point Q. There is no we. Its them. Its they. Them and they that forgot we.
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