Monday, June 8, 2009

Why are we Upset Over Bill C-15?

In 2007, the Conservatives proposed Bill C-26, an act supporting minimum drug sentencing. The Liberal Party of Canada supported it.
In 2009, the Conservatives proposed Bill C-15, an act supporting minimum drug sentencing. The Liberal Party of Canada supports it.

Can you spot the difference between the two bills? Me neither.

Again, I don't know a single lawyer that thinks this bill is a solution to detering drug crimes. In fact, to a person, they are all against this bill.



Big Winnie said...

Then WHY let it pass?

Robert G. Harvie, Q.C. said...

Because the electorate doesn't know any better, and if anyone explains how bad the bill is, they'll sound "soft on crime".

And don't you know - it's not about good legislation, it's about getting elected.

If ever there was a time I wanted the Liberal party to show some stones, it's in response to this bill.

But it's not going to happen.

CraigB said...
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Anonymous said...

Should be interesting when it gets to the Senate. Nolin is on the commitee hearing it.

Hopefully the marijuana portions will be gutted (while I think manmins for all drugs are bad, the public support for pot decrim seems to be highest) and the bill will be sent back to the house.