Saturday, September 27, 2008

Harper's Pet Peeve: Reality!!! Part 2...the $12 Billion Deficit

Just watching Harper speak "live" from Ajax, where he just told a screened crowd of supporters that the Liberal Platform will leave a $12 Billion deficit in Canada. I can certainly see where Reality would be a pet peeve to the Prime Minister, because that statement is nowhere near reality.

Who's running a scare tactic campaign now, Mr. Harper?


Oldschool said...

Liberal promises . . .
Karbon Taxes
Health Care
Infrastructure . . .
12 billion may be an understatement . . .
Of course I know you liberals are sure the defecit will be much less . . . cause liberal election promises are meerly election ploys . . . name one that was ever fulfilled.

paulsstuff said...

I was at the rally in Ajax. That screening you alluded to was my name and postal code. The energy in the room, which was packed, was unbelievable. Speech well received. Lots of happy people. Andrew Coyne in attendance.

Pretty much a wet dream for Dion compared to his campaign stops shown on tv this week.

James Curran said...

OOOOO. AC in attendance. WOW. As for you anonymous OS. Give your head a shake.