Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Justin Trudeau Just Won a Majority Government

Mr. Harper can talk all he wants about abolishing the senate. JUSTIN TRUDEAU just trumped him big time. And that my friends will make him the next Prime Minister of Canada.


The Mound of Sound said...

I think you're spot on, Jim.

James Curran said...

They said Trudeau couldn't win a nomination.

They said Trudeau couldn't win an election.

They said Trudeau would never be Leader.

They say Trudeau will never be Prime Minister......

Get the trend here?????

Michael said...

They said Harper would never win the leadership of his party.

They said Harper would never be able to united the right.

They said that Harper would never be able to win an election.

They said that Harper would never be able to govern effectively with a minority.

They said that Harper would never be able to win a second election.

They said that a coalition would finish Harper.

They said that Harper would never win a third election.

They said that Harper would never win a majority government.

They say that Harper can't beat Trudeau and win a fourth election.

Get the trend here?????

James Curran said...

LMAO. Your version of history is very, very funny.