The voters of Canada were fooled. But this little page girl sure wasn't. She needs a job. Look her up. She has done what many of us wish we could do. Stop Harper!
Yes I know that it is her middle name and I also know that this brave girl used it instead of her real last name to hide what she was doing from her parents. Not the smartest move in the world but listening to her interviews it is clear that she isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, so to speak.
Listen to this one:
The Senate is not the place for this James, and had her sign read "Support Harper now" or even "Stop abortion now" I suspect that those cheering her on today would not be so vocal about her courage.
Ardvark, I think you missed the whole point here... it is not about her, but about her message... STOP HARPER! Now its up to the rest of us to keep her message on 'public awareness' as to who and what is really running this country and where we are heading... which is NOT in the direction of true historical and precious Canadian values.
"Ardvark, I think you missed the whole point here... it is not about her, but about her message... STOP HARPER!"
You did read what the title of this blog entry is, right?
She is only getting support because some agree with her message. As I wrote earlier had her sign read something else say "Stop the NDP" Her stunt would be called out by the same peole now supporting her.
I don't even want to get into her Canada needs an Arab spring comment made right after a fair and democratic election (which many in the Arab world are dying for)but this girl is in no way a hero nor were her actions really brave when looked at through non partisan glasses.
I should add that she made a bigger difference in 15 seconds than the opposition will be able to do in 4 years. People must pay attention to her message.
Goody-two-shoes can say whatever they want. Brigette DePape is a hero.
So brave that she didn't use her real last name in her own press release.
Now that is courage!
That's the best you can do?
Oh. You do know that Marcelle is her middle name, right?
Yes I know that it is her middle name and I also know that this brave girl used it instead of her real last name to hide what she was doing from her parents. Not the smartest move in the world but listening to her interviews it is clear that she isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, so to speak.
Listen to this one:
The Senate is not the place for this James, and had her sign read "Support Harper now" or even "Stop abortion now" I suspect that those cheering her on today would not be so vocal about her courage.
Ardvark, I think you missed the whole point here... it is not about her, but about her message... STOP HARPER! Now its up to the rest of us to keep her message on 'public awareness' as to who and what is really running this country and where we are heading... which is NOT in the direction of true historical and precious Canadian values.
I hope there are many more like her out there, willing to risk a little civil disobedience to fight for their country. Bravo!
Your future PM, with the right mentoring.
She certainly has distingushed herself, more in one bold act than any of the 20/30-somethings in the NDP caucus will OVER THE NEXT FOUR YEARS.
There is hope for the future.
"Ardvark, I think you missed the whole point here... it is not about her, but about her message... STOP HARPER!"
You did read what the title of this blog entry is, right?
She is only getting support because some agree with her message. As I wrote earlier had her sign read something else say "Stop the NDP" Her stunt would be called out by the same peole now supporting her.
I don't even want to get into her Canada needs an Arab spring comment made right after a fair and democratic election (which many in the Arab world are dying for)but this girl is in no way a hero nor were her actions really brave when looked at through non partisan glasses.
She is indeed a hero. I admire her courage and the message. Wake up Canada as it headed in the wrong direction under Harper.
I should add that she made a bigger difference in 15 seconds than the opposition will be able to do in 4 years. People must pay attention to her message.
Goody-two-shoes can say whatever they want. Brigette DePape is a hero.
Best indonesia girl like this...
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