The Straw Poll Continues today with non-believers leading the day.
Rumour has it ex-Superblogger Jason Cherniak is really the guy behind the now infamous "Grit Girl" you tube ads. Me? I'm not so sure. You be the judge.
This would be a better poll if the question was "Who is the Grit Girl?" and the choices were:
1) Jason Cherniak 2) Warren Kinsella 3) A collective of Liberal insiders and operatives or 4) A total party-removed grassroots anonymous with hours of high quality footage at his/her disposal who shares font specificities and effects with that other totally anonymous video-maker "Cdn Truth"?
I'd go for 1,2 and 3 - Or course, that little mentalist midget also known as Jason Cherniak might write a letter to the Caledon Enterprise how HIS voice is being heard within the Liberal party...
.... of course being a brownnoser extraordinaire AND President, Ontario Central Region, Liberal Party of Canada might have a little do to with it... what a moron...
Did Obama not have his Youtube cheerleader?
Gritgirl sounds like a pale copy....
This would be a better poll if the question was "Who is the Grit Girl?" and the choices were:
1) Jason Cherniak
2) Warren Kinsella
3) A collective of Liberal insiders and operatives
4) A total party-removed grassroots anonymous with hours of high quality footage at his/her disposal who shares font specificities and effects with that other totally anonymous video-maker "Cdn Truth"?
And your vote would have been which, Rebecca?
I'd go for 1,2 and 3 -
Or course, that little mentalist midget also known as Jason Cherniak might write a letter to the Caledon Enterprise how HIS voice is being heard within the Liberal party...
.... of course being a brownnoser extraordinaire AND President, Ontario Central Region, Liberal Party of Canada might have a little do to with it... what a moron...
When in doubt, pick 'c', they used to say in school, lol.
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