Monday, February 9, 2009

Former Liberal Activist Hosts Ontario Liberal Party

Man. Sometimes I wish I knew how to be more active.

Political Update for Ridings
A weekly Newsletter from the Political Organization Office of the Ontario Liberal Party

February 9th, 2008
Volume 5, Issue 5

First paragraph omitted.....

A Wonderful Weekend at the Falls

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone for attending the Provincial Council that was held in Niagara Falls this past weekend. It was a tremendous success due to the thoughtful participation of our registrants and the dedicated team of the volunteers, MPP Kim Craitor, the Niagara Falls Provincial Liberal Association, and it’s President Jim Curran. They really showed us why Niagara Falls is one the premier tourist destinations in the world, whether for work or for play! A big thank you must also go out to the South Central regional Caucus, ridings and the Ontario Young Liberals for their hard work!



Oemissions said...

Did you carpool or take a bus?
I took a bus there 2 years ago to see one of Canada's 7 wonders. It was bumper to bumper traffic the whole time all around the falls, and on the way back.
Banff is like that now too.
All that traffic prevents one from enjoying the wonders and beauty.
There's got to be a better, more conscientious way to visit.

James Curran said...

You should take the train. It's an enjoyable ride.

RuralSandi said...

Although born in Vancouver, my mother grew up in Niagara Gardens/St. Catherines. Of course, I was there often when I was a kid visiting my grandparents. I always got sick for some reason. As it turns out, didn't know then, I was allergic to certain trees and flowers. Nothing to do with the area, just me.

It's beautiful but I haven't been there for years and years.