Is anyone else in this f--king party livid? Cause this - As Warren Kinsella would say - former Liberal activist (not) is. Unbelievable. Michael! You crossed the ocean to Harvard, then to Toronto, then to Ottawa, to be Prime Minister! What the hell are you waiting for?
More proof the kids in the OLO have no clue what they're doing, and that this party is lost for a generation. We have the conviction of nothing. Say what you want about Stephane Dion, he died fighting for the environment and some sort of principal attached thereto.
The other night a Liberal friend of mine suggested I leave the party for the party's sake and complain as a non-member. It was the 6th such suggestion by an Ignatieff insider over the last month. Let me just tell you something people. You've pissed me off. You're pissing off the rest of the party too. Just like you did in the 2006 leadership.
You know what else? I ain't leaving! Unlike some of the others that won't be heard, I'm gonna stick around and help change the bullshit attitude in this party. Know what else? I bet I'm not gonna be alone in my quest. Don't believe me? Just watch us!
While we're at it, let me ask what the hell the rest of the 76 Liberal MPs were thinking over the last 24 hours that would lead their leader to the undramatic decision he made today? What the hell are you thinking? You think that you're doing justice for your constituents? I have news for you people, your constituents sent you to Ottawa to speak up for them, not just so you can collect your $158,000 a year.
Where is the Liberal Party of Kelowna? Where is the Liberal Party of Health Care? Where is the Liberal Party of a National Childcare Strategy? Where is the Liberal Party of Kyoto? The Party of Trudeau? Of Laurier? Of Pearson? Of Chretien? We just sold out our convictions to keep this evil, vindictive Conservative government in power. We just let this country slip back into Mulroney years.

I'm livid too James. You are not alone. There are many more Liberals out there feeling exactly the same way. It's revolting what Iggy did.
Far from it. I wouldn't be surprised if a majority of rank and file members were with you.
I'm gone. Bye Bye Liberal - Hello BQ.
Let's hope you get your shit together...
You know what else? I ain't leaving! Unlike some of the others that won't be heard, I'm gonna stick around and help change the bullshit attitude in this party.
You'll probably do more good staying than walking away.
We need to talk about the things you bring up as a group, as a party.
Rank and file? Like who Andrew?
The Ignatieff controlled National Executive, LPCQ and LPCO?
James - I hate to be right all the time (no pun intended).. but I'm not shocked by any of it.
We are in the same boat - dissappointed from two sides of the political spectrum for the same basic reason.. we would prefer to fail with our convictions, than succeed without them.
It would be curious if we gathered what I like to call "thinking" political types - not zealots - from the Liberal and Conservative parties to sit down and really discuss their differences an similarities.. I believe we would find that, in a broad sense, we're not that far apart.
Fundamentally, we all want to help create a country that provides the best opportunities for our children in the future.. and maybe a group like that, who bases their decisions on what they believe is "right" not what will get them elected, maybe such a group could change "politics as usual".
Will that happen? The cynic in me says no - just like Dion got buried for the refusal to pander to the lowest common denominator, you can also bet that Harper would get buried if he put forth the budget that he truly believed in.. and ignoring either of our opinions as to which plan was better or worse, at least we could look to true "leadership" for a change.
Sadly - I think that there are very few Canadians willing to hear that "you can't always get what you want, but if you try real hard, you just might find, you get what you need."
Like me, like any Joe Liberal out there, pretty much it could be anybody BUT the leadership who by definition aren't rank and file
It's a dark day indeed James. From comments I've read on both sides, it appears the more invested one is in the electioneering aspects of the LPC, the more unquestioning their support of Ignatieff and the more accepting of his anything-but-Liberal antics. I guess what I'm saying is that Iggy really brings out the "whores for power" gang.
While we're at it, let me ask what the hell the rest of the 76 Liberal MPs were thinking over the last 24 hours that would lead their leader to the undramatic decision he made today? What the hell are you thinking? You think that you're doing justice for your constituents? I have news for you people, your constituents sent you to Ottawa to speak up for them, not just so you can collect your $158,000 a year."
ROTFLMAO. Oh that is just priceless. That is just too funny. Way too funny.
Coming from a Dion supporter!!
A Dion Supporter? WTF does that mean? It means that ignorant assholes like you didn't support the poor bastard that's what it means.
I'm a Liberal supporter smart ass. And, yes, on this blog I ridiculed our MPs when they didn't vote against the Cons under Dion. I even flew to VCR to express my disbelief that we weren't voting against the immigration bill - since we had 47 MPs of our own tha were immigrants.
Of course you wouldn't know that cause your head is stuck in some hole somewhere.
Yeah, Curran's been pretty consistent on this. And let's not forget: when Dion first started sitting on his hands, he was doing it on the advice of "senior Liberal advisors" who cautioned him to wait.
Hmm. Wonder who they could have been.
Mound of Sound: Every party includes that sort of person, but they're generally balanced out by people who passionately believe in, well, something.
One wonders what the Iggy crew believe in, except themselves.
James: I'm not terribly surprised that they were trying to push you out. From what I've gathered, that's been the fate of everybody who wasn't an Ignatieff supporter (and a "centrist") from the get-go.
liberals appear to be unwelcome in the Liberal party, even while Obama is making liberalism cool again. Sad, that.
No, he hasn't been consistent Demosthenes. He may have wanted an election before now, but you sure didn't see him attack Dion for being incompetent, Harper puppet, gutless, non-Liberal, etc.
Jimmy is bitter that he picked a leader that was a useless waste of space as a leader. So now he has to tear down that which rejected the guy who might have made him an MP candidate. And sow division with his references to Rae.
Everything he railed against when Dion was the "leader" with "power", is now his preferred modus operendi. He doesn't want to give the Liberal Party a chance right now because that will have proven him wrong.
The only thing Jimmy has been consistent about is with his constant non-stop hatred for Iggy and the Liberal Party under Iggy.
Not just a coward, but you're an asshole too. Right Old School?
Dion made nobody a candidate except when under pressure to appoint Ignatieff supporters. Witness David Orchard on the former. And witness Michele Simpson on the latter. Tell ya what, I'll take you on in an open nomination in any riding you like tough guy. Then we'll see what the general public thinks.
I won't go through the links of the scores of posts calling for Dion to vote down the CONS. Nor will I print the names of the members of caucus that kept telling him we couldn't win an election.
Fuckhead anonymous cheapshot artists like yourself are exactly what is wrong with this party. At least I have the courage of my convictions to say and write things under my own name and stand by them.
As for division? Don't make me laugh.
Go, Jim, go! You are not the only unhappy person, and reading your blog is making me smile again.
I'll keep my card if you keep yours. :)
ps - OF COURSE the rank-and-file are disgusted and dislike Iggy and the gang, why do you think we didn't have a convention? If we had, Iggy would have lost. Again.
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