Monday, November 24, 2008

Technical Recession???

Is that like a technical knockout?


penlan said...

That one "got" me too. I don't understand what that expression means at all & I'm still trying to figure it out.

RuralSandi said...

Oh c'mon - it's like saying I'm not pregnant, just a little bit.

I think maybe Flaherty is technically in inept.

Ted Betts said...

So do we call him "Deficit Steve" or "Deceivin' Stephen".

I think it's gotta be "Deceivin' Stephen", he's just been too consistently unconcerned about being truthful. Besides, his co-hort Flaherty deserves the name "Deficit Jim" more - through two turns at being Minister of Finance, he's become the country's leading expert at turning a surplus into a deficit.

James Curran said...