Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"Liberals are Unreasonable People"

Yep. That's what Justice Minister Rob Nicholson said in the House of Commons today...

The same Rob Nicholson who was a Parliamentary Secretary under Brian Mulroney.

The same Rob Nicholson who stopped the investigation into the Schreiber allegations shortly after becoming Justice Minister.

The same Rob Nicholson who claimed he never received any correspondence from Mr. Schreiber, even though the PMO wrote a letter to Schreiber stating they were forwarding said letter to the Justice Minister's office.

The same Rob Nicholson who received a memo stating he never received a memo about the Schreiber letter.

That same Rob Nicholson thinks "liberals are unreasonable Canadians".

Let me ask you folks, is there anyone in the current Conservative "clean" Government that would know more about the dealings of the Mulroney Government better than Rob Nicholson? Anyone?

Imagine that 51% of Canadians surveyed by SES have stated that they think this Harper government is covering something up in this Schreiber Affair. And Rahim Jaffer stated on Politics With Don Newman today that this government is "CLEAN". They are NON-TRANSPARENT maybe, but certainly not clean.


Darren McEwen said...


When did Fyfe say that about the interesting poll? Did he mean the SES one or is there another one coming out for the late night CTV News?

James Curran said...

Excellent question Darren. It was the last thing out of his mouth at the end of the show which aired here at 5 eastern time. If it is the SES poll, he is totally correct that it would raise awareness that Canadians are paying attention. You could view his comments at

Borges said...

Yeah right Liberals bend backwards and forwards all the time for Conservatives. They should know best of all!